Monday, September 12, 2016

DC2017 Call for Papers Coming to a Close

I’d like to use this week’s blog entry to remind you to consider submitting something to the upcoming DC2017 program. This is the program that will be held in March15-18 of 2017 in Washington, DC. The program is a combination of the traditional ACC-RAC program, with WFC and NCLC- that is, Association of Chiropractic Colleges-Research Agenda Conference, World Federation of Chiropractic and the National Chiropractic Legislative Conference. This is shaping up to be a huge conference, with more than 1000 people expected to attend.
There are still 3 days before the submission system will close. If you would like to submit, go to the submission site:

On that site, you can make a submission (or amend one you have already made, as well as upload files), you can log in as a review, or sign up to act as one. If you are interested in reviewing, please contact me and I will give you the keycode you need to log in and register.
I do hope you will consider submitting something. Thanks so much!

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