Given that we cannot use clinical trials to answer such questions,
we can use other designs, including both a case-control study design and a
cohort design. In a case-control study
we would look in the past medical records and exposures of cases (those with
lung cancer) and controls (those without), and would find that some in each
group were heavy smokers while others were not. We could then calculate the
difference in rates of cancer between the two groups. In such case, we would
end up with an odds ratio; that is, the odds that exposure to smoking leads to
lung cancer. In a cohort study, we would follow people forward in time while
allowing them to live their life. None have cancer at the beginning of the
study. We would find, years down the road, that some in both groups were heavy
smokers while others were not, and again we could calculate the difference in
rates of cancer between the two groups. In this case, we would end up with a
risk ratio.
Risk is associated with disease incidence; that is, the rate
of newly diagnosed conditions in a population. In a case-control study, we are
starting with people who already have the condition of interest; therefore, we
cannot calculate risk (which requires us to newly diagnose a disease), and
instead we look at odds.
When we read an article about harm, we need to understand
the specific study design being used. While clinical trials are best, they
often cannot be conducted. Cohort studies are stronger than case-control
studies, since they allow us to calculate the true disease rate in a group. But
in studies of harm, other questions to look at while reading are to ensure that
the exposures and outcomes in both groups were measured the same way, that
follow-up was long enough, that the exposure precedes the adverse outcome, and
that the association between exposure and outcome is strong.
It is important to understand that risk and odds ratios do
not tell you how frequently a problem occurs, only that the effect occurs more
or less often in the exposed group compared to the unexposed group. This can
then tell you whether or not to recommend the patient stop the exposure. Once
we know, for example, that smoking is associated with a higher rate of cancer,
we can advise patients to stop smoking.
For additional information on harm, please see
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