Monday, September 9, 2013

Blogs Worth Visiting

There are millions of blogs that one might visit. Locating good ones can be a challenge but here is a list of a few I find useful and interesting.

Marginal Revolution ( This is a site dedicated to economics, but not at all dry or boring. You can find all sorts of interesting ideas and concepts here.
Seth Godin ( This is the person who popularized the ideas of tribes, for which our Chancellor made mention during his Homecoming presentation. Godin offers a wealth of ideas relating to production and effectiveness at work. I find his writing humorous and educational at the same time.
Daring Fireball ( This is a blog which covers Apple in great detail. For the Apple lovers, it is a great source of news and ideas.
Typographie (  Well, this is for the nerds among us. This covers type design, an area I find fascinating as a result of my time as an editor. Who thinks about typefaces? Well, editors do!
Overthinking It ( This is a blog which fact checks where science runs up against popular culture. For example, one recent post compared book length to movie length…
Retraction Watch ( This one is great, for showing you where scientific papers have had to have their information retracted from public dissemination. It shows you where mistakes have been made in publication.
Health Care Law Blog ( this blog is maintained by a lawyer and it addresses a host of issues that range from privacy and security, to ethics and to technology.
Health Care Blog ( this is a widely read independent blog looking at the entire healthcare industry. It will provoke you, not matter what side of the political spectrum you are on.
Coach Lawrence’s Blog ( Bias alert? This is the blog my son keeps for his cross-country and track teams at Hinsdale Central High School (Hinsdale, IL). I just like reading his thoughts and appreciating his approach to coaching at the high-school level.


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