In her presentation, she made a few points. First, she noted
that flipped classrooms are messy. Students in the classroom are involved in a
project or process wherein they work to solve problems, and this occurs without
a strict guiding principle or without full instructor supervision of what is taking
place. This can create some challenges. For one, you have to give up a bit of
control. And you also need to ensure, as much as possible, that your students
are indeed engaging.
She recommends that you ask effective questions. This makes
sure you remain a “guide on the side” in the learning process, rather than the “sage
on the stage.” What you should do is not use questions that can be quickly
answered with a yes or no response. She suggests moving up the Bloom’s taxonomy
scale, beginning with a posing questions that may ask students to list some
attributes, but then which moves to asking students higher-level questions
related to the list. And then you need to step out of the way.
Which leads to her third recommendation, which is to be
quiet. We are all content experts; we know our subject area quite well, and we
love sharing our knowledge with others. But here, we need to let things develop
at their own pace, let students work out issues and challenges, and listen,
rather than always intervene.
Dr. Hunnicutt calls this being “actively passive.” It’s hard
to know, and I know it. But it does lead to higher-level learning, which is all
to the good.
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