Background: Problem based learning (PBL) is a powerful
learning activity but fidelity to intended models may slip and student
engagement wane, negatively impacting learning processes, and outcomes. One
potential solution to solve this degradation is by encouraging self-assessment
in the PBL tutorial. Self-assessment is a central component of the
self-regulation of student learning behaviours. There are few measures to
investigate self-assessment relevant to PBL processes. We developed a Self-assessment
Scale on Active Learning and Critical Thinking (SSACT) to address this gap. We
wished to demonstrated evidence of its validity in the context of PBL by
exploring its internal structure.
Methods: We used a mixed methods approach to scale
development. We developed scale items from a qualitative investigation,
literature review, and consideration of previous existing tools used for study
of the PBL process. Expert review panels evaluated its content; a process of
validation subsequently reduced the pool of items. We used structural equation
modelling to undertake a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the SSACT and
coefficient alpha.
Results: The 14 item SSACT consisted of two domains “active
learning” and “critical thinking.” The factorial validity of SSACT was
evidenced by all items loading significantly on their expected factors, a good
model fit for the data, and good stability across two independent samples. Each
subscale had good internal reliability (>0.8) and strongly correlated with
each other.
Conclusions: The SSACT has sufficient evidence of its
validity to support its use in the PBL process to encourage students to
self-assess. The implementation of the SSACT may assist students to improve the
quality of their learning in achieving PBL goals such as critical thinking and
self-directed learning.
Tzeng DS, Wu YC, Hsu JY. Latent variable modeling and its implications for institutional review board review: variables that delay the reviewing process. BMC Med Ethics 2015, 16:57 doi:10.1186/s12910-015-0050-8
Background: To investigate the factors related to approval
after review by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), the structure equation
model was used to analyze the latent variables ‘investigators’, ‘vulnerability’
and ‘review process’ for 221 proposals submitted to our IRB.
Methods: The vulnerability factor included vulnerable cases,
and studies that involved drug tests and genetic analyses. The principal
investigator (PI) factor included the license level of the PI and whether they
belonged to our institution. The review factor included administration time,
total review time, and revision frequency. The revision frequency and total
review time influenced the efficiency of review.
Results: The latent variable of reviewing was the most
important factor mediating the PIs and vulnerability to IRB review approval.
The local PIs moderated with genetic study and revision frequency had an impact
on the review process and mediated non-approval.
Conclusions: Better guidance of the investigators and
reviewers might improve the efficiency with which IRBs function.
Chapman PD, Stomski NJ, Losco B, Walker BF. The simulated
early learning of cervical spine manipulation technique utilising mannequins.
Chiropr Man Ther 2015, 23:23
Background: Trivial pain or minor soreness commonly follows
neck manipulation and has been estimated at one in three treatments. In
addition, rare catastrophic events can occur. Some of these incidents have been
ascribed to poor technique where the neck is rotated too far. The aims of this
study were to design an instrument to measure competency of neck manipulation
in beginning students when using a simulation mannequin, and then examine the
suitability of using a simulation mannequin to teach the early psychomotor
skills for neck chiropractic manipulative therapy.
Methods: We developed an initial set of questionnaire items
and then used an expert panel to assess an instrument for neck manipulation
competency among chiropractic students. The study sample comprised all 41
fourth year 2014 chiropractic students at Murdoch University. Students were
randomly allocated into either a usual learning or mannequin group. All
participants crossed over to undertake the alternative learning method after
four weeks. A chi-square test was used to examine differences between groups in
the proportion of students achieving an overall pass mark at baseline, four
weeks, and eight weeks.
Results: This study was conducted between January and March
2014. We successfully developed an instrument of measurement to assess neck
manipulation competency in chiropractic students. We then randomised 41
participants to first undertake either “usual learning” (n = 19) or “mannequin
learning” (n = 22) for early neck manipulation training. There were no
significant differences between groups in the overall pass rate at baseline (χ
2 = 0.10, p = 0.75), four weeks (χ 2 = 0.40, p = 0.53), and eight weeks (χ 2
= 0.07, p = 0.79).
Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the use of a
mannequin does not affect the manipulation competency grades of early learning
students at short term follow up. Our findings have potentially important
safety implications as the results indicate that students could initially gain
competence in neck manipulation by using mannequins before proceeding to
perform neck manipulation on each other.
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