Monday, August 24, 2015

ACC-RAC Call for Workshop Proposals

Association of Chiropractic Colleges
Educational Conference and Research Agenda Conference
March 17-19, 2016

Call for Workshop Proposals

Proposals are due by September 15, 2015

Purpose:  The purpose of ACC-RAC workshops is to develop the skills of its attendees, especially in the areas of research and education.  The workshop component of the conference focuses on the development of the research and educational capacity of the chiropractic profession through skill building and interactive workshops. 

Limited Submission:  Due to the volume of workshops and the limited time in the schedule, no more than one proposal may be submitted per person, and presenters can be listed on no more than one workshop proposal.

Selection Process:  The presenters and topics for these sessions are carefully selected and invited by the planning committee.  We receive many proposals and unfortunately cannot accept all of them. Workshops may not include any sales pitches, selling of materials, or promotion of proprietary materials.  The workshop proposal should be free of commercial bias and comply with the ethics of scholarly activities.  All presentations are to be done in a non-commercial and non-self-promotional manner. 

 Workshop proposals will be reviewed and selected based on their strength in the following areas:

1.    Skill Building - Workshops must provide attendees new skills and active learning strategies.  Workshops should not be lectures.  Workshops must dedicate the majority of time (50% or more) to hands-on skill building, active learning, and outcomes.  The workshops should provide direct and immediate application of skills and knowledge, thus providing a productive, developmental environment for attendees.

2.     Expertise of the Presenters (publications and/or research in this area) - In order to teach others skills, we would like to see that the workshop presenters have substantial expertise and experience in teaching and building the knowledge base for the workshop topic area.  This includes experience in teaching others in the topic area, performing research, and publishing in the topic/skill area.

3.     Targeted to a Specific Need - One goal of ACC-RAC is, “To provide a venue for training, learning, and research development for chiropractic educators and researchers in order to improve the emerging research capacity, knowledge, and productivity of chiropractic.”  To be sure we are meeting the needs of attendees, each workshop proposal should address one of the following categories:  Research; Education (faculty); Education (administration); and Clinical (private practice). 

4.     Collaborative Teams (teams of presenters from different institutions/organizations) - Collaborative teams provide better quality workshop presentations.  Therefore, collaboration is one goal of the conference.  We consider it a positive if workshop proposals include collaborative teams that involve individuals from more than one college.  This encourages cross-college interaction, can help focus on the skill-building content of the workshop instead of a particular institution, promotes sharing wisdom from multiple campuses, and may help improve professional relationships. 

5.     Diverse Presenters - Presenters may only be listed on one workshop proposal.  Having diverse workshop presenters allows others the opportunity to be part of a workshop, provides a more interesting set of workshops, prevents burnout from attendees seeing the same presenters, and prevents issues with overlapping scheduling. 

Presenters’ Responsibility for Travel, Lodging, Registration, and Other Costs:  By submitting this workshop proposal, you and your co-presenters are agreeing that each person named in the proposal will be responsible for funding their own travel, lodging, and conference registration.  Any costs of the supplies or other items are the responsibility of the presenters.  All presenters are required to register for the conference at the time of acceptance.  If accepted, you will be asked to supply a more detailed lesson plan, draft handouts, and draft PowerPoint presentation for your workshop by December 1, 2015. 

Instructions to Submit a Workshop Proposal:  Commitment from all presenters must be made at the time of initial submission.  All materials must be submitted at the time of application.  To be considered, please submit all of the following items no later than September 15, 2015:

1.     Online Proposal Submission - Enter and submit by September 15, 2015.

        Title - Must be 10 words or less.

        Abstract/Purpose - The description/purpose of the workshop should be two sentences or less and provide an explanation of what skills the attendee will gain by attending the workshop.

        Presenters - List presenter and all co-presenters with their institutional/professional affiliations.  A presenter may only be included in one workshop submission.  Do not include people who are on other workshop proposals.

2.          Downloaded Proposal Submission - Complete and submit by September 15, 2015.

        Complete - Workshop Proposal Form and save as a Word document.

        Title - Must be 10 words or less.

        Abstract/Purpose - The description/purpose of the workshop should be two sentences or less and provide an explanation of what skills the attendee will gain by attending the workshop.

        Presenters - List presenter and all co-presenters with their institutional/professional affiliations.  A presenter may only be included in one workshop submission.  Do not include people who are on other workshop proposals.

        Size - The Workshop Proposal document should not exceed 2MB.

        Submit - Completed Workshop Outline (see below) form to the submission address as a Word document.

            Please submit your workshop proposal to Dr. Dana J. Lawrence at

3.          Materials for All Presenters - Submit by September 15, 2015.

            Corresponding author must collect the following items from each presenter and email to Dr. Dana Lawrence preferably in one batch or on the same day:

        Signed Workshop Author Signature Form(s).  This can be on one form or separate.  Scanned images accepted.

        Current Curriculum Vitaes/Resumes for each presenter.  (Word or scanned images accepted.)

        Brief Biosketches, using complete sentences, providing a 200 or less word description of the experience and research accomplishments that support the presenter(s) as experts in this topic area.  Please place all Biosketches into one Word or scanned document.

        Color photographs (professional headshots) for each presenter, 200 dpi (jpeg or tif).

Once all items are submitted, the proposal will be evaluated by a blinded peer review committee, and these results will be sent to the ACC-RAC planning committee for review and final decision.  If accepted, all presenters must register and attend the conference.  Funding should be confirmed in advance of the submission of the workshop proposal.  Submission of the proposal is a commitment from the authors of accepted submissions to present at the conference.

If you have questions or concerns about this process, please contact:

Dana J. Lawrence, DC, MMedEd, MA
Senior Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
Palmer College of Chiropractic
Davenport, IA 52803


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