But in clinical settings, such as the PCCR, consent is
critically important. Informed consent documents (ICDs) need to be prepare for
each study, and they are complex and complicated instruments. For example,
there are 13 elements that must be included in an ICD. It has to be written at
an appropriate level (which is usually 8th-grade reading level), and
the patient must not be coerced into signing. It can take a great deal of time
and energy to prepare ICDs and there is now a growing body of evidence about
how well they relay important information to research participants.
But there is a real challenge here as well. So much research
occurs in clinical settings. And this blurs the line between what a physician
would if allowed to simply treat a patient and what a physician or research is
allowed to do if that same patient is a participant in a research project. In
the former case, a doctor would do whatever he or she felt was in the patient’s
best interests- vary treatment, frequency of visits, etc. But when there is a
research protocol, that same doctor cannot vary from it. However, patients,
despite being given an ICD which explains this to them, often misunderstand
this. They believe that everything being
done to them and for them when they are in research is done because ti si the
best thing for them. This is not the case in research. Studies have shown that when asked, they will
tell you that they are getting the best treatment, even when assigned to a
placebo group or to a no-treatment group.
This is how Lidz and Appelbaum describe it: “The therapeutic misconception occurs when
a research subject fails to appreciate the distinction between the imperatives
of clinical research and of ordinary treatment, and therefore inaccurately
attributes therapeutic intent to research
procedures. The therapeutic misconception is a
serious problem for informed consent in clinical research.” (1)
I am always on the look-out
for this when new research is planned. Please read more on this to avoid such
problems if ever you do research involving patients.
Lidz CW, Appelbaum PS. The therapeutic
misconception: problems and solutions. Med Care 2002;40(9Suppl):V55-63
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