Monday, August 11, 2014

Palmer Homecoming 2014

Another Homecoming has come and gone, but I feel that this one was an exceptionally strong event. For those of you who were unable to attend here is a partial list of some of the great speakers and topics we presented.

Plenary Sessions
Dennis Marchiori: Strengthening Palmer’s Core

Christopher Colloca: Validating our Traditional Chiropractic Philosophy with Contemporary Science
Christine Goertz: Chiropractic Quality, Cost and risks: What the Evidence Says and Why You Should Care

Deed Harrison: Chiropractic BioPhysics: Research Evidence
Bharon Hoag: A Vision of Chiropractic in Today’s Healthcare

Gerry Clum: Black and White in a World of Gray!

Breakout Sessions
Todd Hubbard: The Upper Cervical Complex: Anatomical and Biomechanical

Ron Boesch, Chris Roecker and Mike Tunning: Using EvidenceBased Orthopedic Exams in Practice
Charles Blum: Introduction to Sacro Occipital TechniqueIncorporating an EvidenceBased Chiropractic System ofAnalysis and Treatment

Roger Hynes, Alana Callendar: 100 Years of Fellowship and Education,

James Cox: Cox Flexion Distraction Spinal Manipulation: Biomechanics and Clinical Outcomes
Michelle Barber: Meditations on Philosophy

Brett Winchester: The Current Concepts in Motion Palpation
Lora Tanis: Tiny TuneUps, Evaluation and Adjusting Strategies for the Neonate

Lou Freedman, Dan Weinert: Neuroimmunomodulation,
Michelle Barber, Virginia Barber: Two Barbers, No Waiting: Bringing Customer Service to the Forefront of the DoctorPatient Interaction

Deed Harrison: The Spine as the Foundation for Health and Disease: A Contemporary Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®) Technique Presentation

Brian Justice: Primary Spine Care: A RealWorld Approach to Chiropractic Practice in the Evolving Health Care System

Mary Frost: Digital Marketing Basics
Tracy Littrell: Radiographic Positioning and View Selection
M. Deborah Sesker, Cheryl Child: The Third Era of Healthcare,
Nate Hinkeldey, Michael Olsen, Mike Petrie, Mike Tunning: Interdisciplinary Care Models: Working Together to Benefit the Patient

Anna Allen: Professional Boundaries
Lia Nightingale: Recognizing Food Allergies: Challenges and Opportunities

Ron Boesch, Dave Juehring, Mike Petrie, Mike Tunning: An Overview of Movement Development, Injury, and Recovery
Ian McLean: Radiography for Chiropractors

Ron Boesch: What, When, Where of Testing…Patient Management
Jeff Sklar: Chiropractors in Cancer HospitalsUsing Evidence-Based Orthopedic Exams in PracticeUsing Evidence-Based Orthopedic Exams in PracticeUsing Evidence-Based Orthopedic Exams in Practice

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