Friday, July 18, 2014


There will be no new post next week, as I will be riding RAGBRAI, the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. This year the route generally runs along the northern border of the state, starting at Rock Valley, and then overnighting at the following towns: Okoboji, Emmetsburg, Forest City, Mason City, Waverly, Independence and ending in Guttenburg. The route length is about 440 miles, and 5 out of 7 days the daily distance is around 70 miles, while there are 2 shorter days of about 40 miles each.

It's a grand time. You see parts of Iowa that are only infrequently visited. You pass through many small farming communities. People are friendly, and the food is good. There is pie, corn and pork tenderloin sandwiches. You may see Mr. Porkchop, and sometimes the best part of the day is when you stop for some shaved ice. I learn a lot each time. I look forward to it each year, even as I get older.

So, back on July 28. Rider on!

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