Monday, March 24, 2014

ACC-RAC 2014

Below is a sumamry of Palmer College personnel involvment in ACC-RAC. Once again, we did a superb job of representing our college.


Dennis Marchiori. Opening and welcome


Prize Paper: William Reed, Randall Sozio, Joel Pickar, Cynthia Long. Spinal manipulation can increase trunk mechanical thresholds of lateral thalamic neurons

Prize Paper: Rodger Tepe, Chabha Tepe. Development of psychometric evaluation of an information literacy self-efficacy survey and an information literacy knowledge test.

Heather Bowyer, Melissa Ferranti, Michelle Gingras, Philip Afghani. Student understanding and attitudes toward proper documentation, billing practices, and medico-legal concepts in chiropractic clinical education

Anna Walden, Stacie Salsbury, William Reed, Dana Lawrence. Self-reported bladder and bowel symptoms among adults attending an academic chiropractic clinic: a 1-month point-prevalence study

Prize Paper: Niu Zhang, Charles Henderson. Can formative quizzes improve summative exam performance?

John Stites, Greg Snow, Healther Bowyer, Robert Rowell, Tammi Clark, Barbara Mansholt, Kimberly Keene. Development of an introductory program for field practitioners on evidence-based clinical practice

Makani Lew. Time to numbness in response to five different cyrotherapy applications
Makani Lew. Comparison of subjective and objective pain sensitivity in a healthy population

John Stites, Greg Snow, Heather Bowyer, Robert Rowell, Tammi Clark, Barbara Mansholt, Kimberly Keene. Development of an introductory program for field practitioners on evidence-based clinical practice

Robert Cooperstein, Morgan Young. The location of the upright inferior angle of the scapula in relation to the spine: a systematic review of the literature
Robert Cooperstein, Anthony Lisi, Andrew Burd. Manual therapy approaches to over-active bladder: a narrative literature review

Maruti Ram Gudavalli, Robert Vining, Stacie Salsbury, Christine Goertz. Training doctors of chiropractic in delivering manual cervical traction forces

Barbara Mansholt, Robert Vining. Survey of clinical decision-making rationale for chiropractic analysis procedures among doctors of chiropractic and students

Dan Weinert, Dustin Derby, Kevin Paustian. Impact of unionization on faculty resistance to change, justice, trust, conflict and climate for innovation

Elissa Twist, Dana Lawrence, Stacie Salsbury, Cheryl Haw. Do informed consent documents for chiropractic clinical research studies meet readability level recommendations and contain required elements: a descriptive study

Christopher Roecker, Cynthia Long, Robert Vining, Dana Lawrence. Attitudes and use of evidence-based clinical practice within chiropractic: a survey of doctors of chiropractic with diplomate training on orthopedics

Roger Hynes, Alana Callender, Rachelle Hynes, Don Gran. Preceptor doctors’ assessment of the clinical skills of Palmer College externs

Marsha Hardacre. Student confidence level of preparedness and alumni performance level of preparedness for business success

Dustin Derby, Amy Everetts, Julie Schard, Charles Davis. Transformations abroad: transformative learning captured within a chiropractic humanitarian program

Barbara Mansholt, Robert Vining. Factors affecting treatment decisions during the first phase of clinical education

 Shawn He. The comparison of the validity and reliability between digital radiographic imaging systems and manual method in measuring the Cobb angle

Christopher Roecker. Diagnosis and management of myofascial pain: a narrative review of the literature

Liang Zhang. Physiological TNF may mediate spinal manipulation therapy: a literature re-examination


Robert Cooperstein, Anthony Lisi Lis, Andrew Burd. Overactive bladder in association with symphysis pubis subluxation: a novel mechanical approach

Dustin Derby. How do you assess cocurriculars? An assessment framework part and parcel for institutional effectiveness.

James DeVocht. Extracting information from visually identified points on excel plots

 Stephen Grand, Kenice Grand, Rod Floyd, Shane Carter. Chiropractic intern attitudes, beliefs, and intentions with regard to health promotion, wellness, and preventive services

Kenice Grand, Stephen Grand. Can vegans have healthy bones?

Todd Hubbard, Kali Gillen. Correlation between the fossa temperature difference and the Blair upper cervical atlas misalignment

Katie Malley, Matthew Richardson, Marie Williams, Leila McKenzie. Calcinosis cutis in the foot of a 26 year old retired female competitive ice skater: a case report

Henry Mueller, Laurie Mueller. Integrating functional medicine methodologies in the chiropractic clinical setting to improve outcomes for a patient with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, chronic sinusitis, and adult onset asthma: a case study

Dewan Raja, Bahar Sultana. Frozen shoulder, its pathogenesis, natural course, and treatment modalities

Robert M. Rowell, Kathy Murphy, Linda Carlson, Jody Bell. Does video use by students in an X-ray positioning class improve performance? A pilot study and survey of student attitudes

Michael Tunning, Michael VanNatta, Robert Rowell, Thomas Brozovich. A survey of student perceptions following 2 different formats for neuromusculoskeletal skills assessment

Michael VanNatta, Thomas Brozovich, Michael Tunning. Enhancing learning for students with the addition of podcasts

Morgan Young, Jessie Young. Conservative care for pediatric acquired torticollis: two cases of muscular origin


John Stites, Ron LeFebvre, Bill Watson. The Art of Facilitation: Making Teams Effective

Alberto L. Rivera-Rentas, Mitch Hass, Cynthia Long Research-Training and Career Development Opportunities for Individuals and Institutions in the Chiropractic Profession

Judy Bhatti, Michael Van Natta, Mary Frost, Paul Wanless, Tom Brozovich, Michael Tunning. Leadership in the classroom: reaching students through web-based technology

Lisa Bloom, Karen Bobak, Ezra Coehn, Lisa Killinger. Leadership strategies for ethical decision making

Brian Gleberzon, Charles Blum, Christopher Roecker, Scott Cuthbert, David Sikorski. The interface between clinical practice and clinical research in chiropractic technique: bridging the gap between knowledge transfer and knowledge utilization

Teresa Brennan, James LaRose, Troy Tatum, Eva Elsangak. Engaging the learner in critical thinking: team-based learning model for use on Monday

Stu Kinsinger, Dana Lawrence. Professional ethics and academic dishonesty: approaches to disclipline

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