1. Leading Change, by John Kotter. Kotter’s book
makes so much sense to me each time I go through it. He has an 8-stage plan for
leading change, and demonstrates how to involve everyone in the process. He
also discusses the pitfalls involved and how to avoid them> Much of his
approach surrounds the importance of “vision.” There is much to be found here
that applies to academic practice, where change is necessary if we are to
2. Good to Great, by Jim Collins. In this book
Collins dissects why some companies thrive and grow while others in the same
sector fail. He finds commonalities between those who succeed. Much of what he
found can be summarized as: the best companies found and promoted the right
people who acted in a disciplined manner to get work done. In this, Collins
discusses his “hedgehog concept.”
3. The Effective Executive, by Peter Drucker.
Drucker is the dean of executive leadership studies. His book notes that the
measure of an executive is the ability to get the right things done. This
stresses imagination and intelligence. The best executives manage time well,
know how to mobilize strength for effect, set priorities, etc.
4. The Magic of Dialogue, by Daniel Yankelovich. Dialogue
here refers to “carefully structured communications” designed to create mutual
understanding. In this book, the author provides a number of different
approaches designed to foster better communication and create dialogue between
colleagues to enhance trust and effectiveness.
5. Made to Stick, by Chip Heath and Dan heath. This
was a book recommended to me by Bill Meeker, and it looks at why some ideas
stick while others do not. Clearly, this has applicability to the chiropractic
profession as well as to chiropractic education. The goal of this book is to
help explain why ideas stick, and to enhance the probability yours will do so.
6. The Servant Leader, by James Autry. This is
about managing with respect, honestly, love and spirituality. It is not
religious’ don’t get the wrong idea. But it places the leader in position of
being servant to those he or she leads.
This is just a few of many books that have helped guide my
approach to leadership, management and personal effectiveness.
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