Monday, March 4, 2013

A Welcome Back

I hope that you had a week to relax and enjoy yourself. Today is the first day of our new term, and as always it will be an in-service. After the normal introductions from myself and Dr. Paustian, the morning session is devoted to discussing a process used to develop a curricular approach to the teaching and testing of orthopedic evaluation. This combined literature with clinical expertise and expert opinion.

Speakers will include Drs. Tom Souza (from PCCW) and Al Luce (from PCCF).
Tom will present an overview of a process used to generate a core set of orthopedic tests taught in the PCCW curriculum based on combining the best available literature evidence with faculty members’ clinical expertise.  Implementation of this process included categorizing orthopedic testing into skill-based teaching versus lecture-based teaching, leading to skill-based testing versus written-examination-based testing.  The final application of this curricular process included integration into the clinical environment and the electronic medical record system.

Al’s session discusses the implementation of an evidence-based approach to the application of literature-based and expert-opinion-modified approaches to the most common conditions seen in chiropractor practice.  It also describes the extension of this process to a pragmatic application in the Medicare environment.

The afternoon session is devoted to ACC-RAC presentations. Come listen to your colleagues:
  • Michael Tunning, DC. Student iPad use in a Neuromusculoskeletal Diagnosis Course: The Influence of iPads on Course Grades and Student Opinions and Attitudes Toward iPads in the Classroom
  • Cathy Eberhart, MBA. Surveys as a Method for Informing a Chiropractic Technology Program Curriculum
  • Lia Nightingale, PhD. A Case-Based Approach to Pharmacology Using Wikis as a Collaborative Tool
  • Robert Vining, DC. Prevalence of Radiographic Findings in a Chronic Low Back Pain Population”
  • Judy Bhatti, DC. Investigating High Quality Interactive Applications for Value Added Teaching”
And again, welcome back!

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