Monday, August 20, 2012

A Few Blogs You Might be Interested in

Perles of Wisdom ( This comes from the pen of Stephen Perle, a chiropractor based a the University of Bridgport College of Chiropractic. Always provocative, and certainly with entries you may not agree with, Dr. Perle is always cogent in his analysis. 

The Daily HIT ( This comes from the words of Dr. Dan Redwood, a recent presented at Palmer Homecoming. HIT stands for Health Insights Today, and is Dr. Redwood’s means of communicating larger health related issues to a mainly chiropractic audience.  Dan brings a newsman’s in-depth analytic skills to the articles and posts he prepares. 

The Integrator Blog ( This comes from the pen of John Weeks, who has long covered the complementary and alternative medicine world, especially its political aspects.  It is thoroughly researched and comprehensive in coverage, and it has a significant emphasis on chiropractic. Dr. Christine Goertz is a member of the editorial board.

Smitten Kitchen ( I have to thank my wife for this one. She is a former chef and owner of her own catering business, who has a passion for good cooking, and this is one of the websites she regularly turns to. It has good, healthy recipes and creative dishes.

The Chronicle of Higher Education blog ( The Chronicle, which is mainstay of higher education, maintains its own blog with an ever-changing array of articles related to the world of higher education and higher education leadership. There is always something interesting to read here. 

Wine Spectator Exploring Wine with Tim Fish ( We all have to have interests outside of Palmer. One of mine is wine, and this blog is a good one to gain an introduction to wine in its many varieties and styles. Wine Spectator is the leading magazine about wine.

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