Monday, May 9, 2016

Flipping the Classroom

In a flipped classroom, the time spent on lecture and the time spent doing work outside the classroom are reversed. For example, you might provide the students in your class a reading assignment that matches what you might have lectured about, or you might ask them to view a few short videos-or a video of your lecture- before coming to class. When they do come to class, you organize them to conduct an activity, such as a discussion or an exercise of some kind. This makes for a far more active and involved experience for students, moving them away from the traditional pedagogical model of passive learning via lecture.
With the brightspace LMS in place, it is relatively easy to flip the classroom. An instructor can post the video lecture to the LMS, and ask that it be seen before class. Preparatory material for in-class exercises can be provided as well.

The benefit of this model is that in keeps the students engaged throughout the class period. In a traditional lecture setting- and while this is still the dominant model, we should keep mindful that younger students no longer really bother to take notes, but instead simply use their technology to keep class material- students often do not have time to really process information. They are too busy trying to keep up with you, quickly writing down what they feel is the essence of your lecture material.

But to do this right means to plan it well. For example, you might need to record your lecture. You can do this with Capture technology built in to brightspace or you can do it using your own tablet or camera. You need to work out a reasoned class exercise. But for all that, flipping the classroom but more responsibility on students to engage in learning, shifting some of it off of you. it is a strategy worth considering.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Palmer San Jose Homecoming

We just celebrated another homecoming at our San Jose campus. Following is a list of some of the presentations that were made.

  • Ted Forcum: Lessons learned from the Joint Commission on Sports Medicine and Science
  • Robert Cooperstein: Integrated chiropractic technique: the low-tech anatomic short leg screen and clinical implications
  • Mary Frost: Be the trusted leader in your community
  • Peter Fysh: Chiropractic care for the pediatric patient
  • Robert Walsh: Experiences integrating chiropractic with Veterans Health Administration Services
  • Tom Hyde: Clinical case management of the knee
  • Daniel Lord: The rise of corporate chiropractic and primary care integration
  • Joseph Biernat: Bone health and support
  • Kevin Wong: Evaluating and adjusting the shoulder and the TMJ the Wong way
  • David Quist: Emergency and urgent conditions encountered in the chiropractic office: recognition, care, management and referral considerations
  • Sherry McAllister: Chin up! Avoiding tech neck: averting biomechanical dysfunction from the use of mobile technologies
  • Matt Richardson: Quality radiographs in a busy chiropractic practice
  • Ramin Shiva: Workers Compensation update
  • Dennis Marchiori: Challenging a profession: changing public perceptions about chiropractic
  • Brad Jacobs: Integrative medicine: a new paradigm for healthcare in the 21st Century
  • Tom Souza: Triple play: a review of the most significant literature publications over the last three years focusing on three studies in three topic areas
  • Todd Hubbard: The Blair upper cervical chiropractic technique: what you can see on a radiograph
  • Michelle Barber: Athletes at risk: the female athlete triad